![]() Eric Newhouse - The ManEric Newhouse earned his reputation as a crusading journalist, winning the Pulitzer Prize in 2000 for a yearlong series of stories about alcoholism. Through personal, in-depth interviews, he has seen the devastation caused by PTSD from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the ongoing trauma for veterans from Vietnam and other American conflicts. Newhouse's crusade is to get the young men and women who have served their country on the battlefields the help that they need... and deserve.Find out more about Eric in his full biography! Faces of Combat - The WebsiteBrowse the website created for Faces of Combat and Faces of Recovery, including a full list of Resources and a blog about PTSD and TBI. There is more information about the books and a download from Faces of Combat.War and Moral InjuryEric contributed to another book about moral injury and the effect it has on combat veterans. Themes of the book include approaches to healing moral injury, the harm caused by drug-based treatments, the role society and leaders play in limiting moral injury in war and the importance of including morally aware narratives in strategic calculations regarding war. For more information visit the Small Wars Journal website.Faces of RecoveryFaces of Recovery continues the report on how millions of American soldiers have faced the ultimate dilemma: kill the enemy or risk being killed yourself. As documented in Faces of Combat each choice traumatizes the brain. This book also introduces a newly discovered complication, moral injury. It occurs when soldiers are ordered into a conflict they cannot morally justify, yet are forced to kill, when their chain of command has betrayed or abandoned them, and when a warrior has violated his own moral code. Faces of Recovery looks at the personal steps each veteran must take to feel accepted again in society -- forgiveness, making atonement, self-forgiveness, and physical exercise to help the brain reduce depression and anxiety.Buy the book Faces of Combat - The BookPulitzer Prize-winning journalist Eric Newhouse issues a call to help America's returning warriors in his latest book, Faces of Combat, PTSD and TBI: One Journalist's Crusade to Improve Treatment for Our Veterans. His concern is that one-third to one-half of the 1.6 million men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan can be expected to return home with one or all three emotional disorders -- post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD), traumatic brain injury(TBI), or major depression. But the Veterans Administration is already overloaded in treating soldiers from previous conflicts, primarily Vietnam vets who never received the help they needed and deserved.Buy the book Books for VetsCopies of Faces of Combat, PTSD and TBI that you buy for donations are half price through Idyll Arbor. Click here to order them. For any book you buy, including donated books, Idyll Arbor will send a free copy to a VFW Post or Vet Center. Contact Lori Barnes at Idyll Arbor with any questions about the program (360-825-7797).The BlogVisit Eric's Blog for his thoughts on the President, comments about how the economy affects soldiers, and much more. Eric also has a blog called Invisible Wounds on the Psychology Today website. Click here to see that blog.Alcohol: Cradle to GraveA reprinting of Eric Newhouse's Pulitizer Prize-winning articles in book format. He's seen what he refers to as the flotsam and jetsam of human life: the divorces, lost jobs, battered wives and children, crime, drunken drivers, car wrecks, and medical bills. And, he's come to the conclusion that alcohol is behind much of it. This book, Alcohol: Cradle to Grave, offers a compelling, day-in-the-life look at how the disease of alcoholism affects Great Falls, Montana in particular and the state of Montana in general.Buy the book ![]() Faces of Combat - The Photo GalleryView the photos taken by Jamie Bender for the Faces of Combat project in the Faces of Combat Photo Gallery (javascript must be enabled to view the gallery).ScheduleCheck out Eric's speaking schedule here! |